Friday, October 23, 2009

What is a Liberty Group? ( )

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Folks this is far far to important to go without understanding what is going on here

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Waste Mgt truck just slowed down specifically to read my Freedom Constitution yard sign

Sunday, October 11, 2009

RT Please consider signing this petition to have congress enrolled in the health care plan that the government is intent on mandating the rest of the country enroll in

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Just had one of the best Liberty Tea Party meetings ever! Those that missed it missed 4 terrific presentations, John Mitchel updating us on his presentation to the Wright State University Young Republicans,a young man, Virgil Vaduva, from Romania talking about his personal transition as he lived through the fall of the Berlin Wall, Dr. Schweikart History Professor, author from UD. Tony Corvo a candidate for Beavercreek City Council shared his thoughts about Fair Taxation. If you missed this you missed quite a line up! The Group's next event is the Health Line at the intersections of N. Fairfield... and Kemp Rd ...and Dayton-Xenia ... and Seajay Drive - this coming Saturday October 10th between 10 am until 1 pm. With plenty of time to then come on down to Belbrook and visit Craig's Pesto Hot Dog Cart and Have one terrific Nathan Famous Hot Dog!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Craig's Pesto Hot Dogs R arriving in Bellbrook, Ohio this Saturday. Oct 10th between 10 am to roughly 5 pm. You will see a large blue umbrella parked in front of Dot's Market @ 118 W Franklin St. Here's directions just in case you haven't ever toured Bellbrook before... I serve two sizes of Nathan's Famous Hot Dogs Long or Large check out my menu on I hope to see everyone there this Saturday!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

RT: If you count yourself as an American, fed up with excess taxation and government spending your hard earned money, if you feel like your local and national politicians aren't hearing you. This is the place to be, " We The People " will be heard! No one will be asking you, to fill out a membership card, or to pay dues, you already have done that, Your An American! Some people say a revolution is coming, I'm here to tell you, it's Here! you need to ask yourself, what part are you going to play in it! I'm asking you to please help us get the word out! Our next meeting is October 8th, 7:00pm. Beavercreek School Board 3040 Kemp Rd. Come Join us, bring a friend! Follow this link for a map