Thursday, March 13, 2008

Give Some People a Pen

In a March 8, 2008 published in the 'Huntsville Times' the author and this is a cut and paste quote, "A: There is nothing quite like this time of year when the large canvas that is our dormant lawn is dotted (or better yet splashed) with color from a host of winter weeds. While in a painting the splashes of color against a blank background are considered artistic, most people are not so happy when they see it in their lawns especially if they have Bermuda or Zoysia grass." I have a question for this author and that is simply: WHERE DOES THIS AUTHOR GET THIS LUDICROUS INFORMATION ABOUT WHAT PEOPLE LIKE OR DISLIKE ABOUT THEIR WINTER ZOYSIA? This author while having some knowledge about Bermuda grass being ugly, knows very little about Zoysia Lovers. Good Day to Him or Her I say GOOD DAY!

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