Monday, February 25, 2008

Celebrate If the Zoysia's Not Growing You Are Not Mowing

If Zoysia's not growing- Then You're not mowing.

Have you ever considered all the advantages of Zoysia grass Lite brown that dormant color that lets you know that the Zoysia growing season is over. What a mixed blessing, at that time it tells you just how much the Z has taken over the area then you start to realize that the Z has gone dormant and that is sad. One year I knew a frost was coming so I spread sheets out over the area to keep it warmer, the weather man had predicted that the frost was going to be heavy the weather was going to turn to Indian summer almost immediately. Which it did and I got a whole 3 days of extra growing season. Best laid plans of mice and men so they say. I had considered using smokers like they do for the fruit trees in FL and CA, I just could not justify the cost for an extra three days besides I may have had to mow an extra time.
Then when Zoysia is tan I am not mowing, lots of leaves to deal with but growing grass is not a concern. If it's not growing you're not mowing! When it is growing you're not mowing as much. One of my life's passion is to have my entire yard covered with Zoysia by the time I turn 55. Thereby, reducing the number of times the grass needs mowing down to once a month, in Ohio that would be once in late May late June late July early Sept late Oct that looks like five (5) mows to me so the going rate to cut half an acre in this area is about $35 a cut or $175 for 5 cuts now the guy next door with out Zoysia cuts twice in April, August, November and then four times in May, June, July, September, October, for 22 times at $35 or $770. Looks like I have an extra 595 greenbacks in my pocket.

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