Tuesday, February 26, 2008

History and Varieties of ZOYSIA Grasses Part 1

History and Varieties of Zoysia Grasses


Zoysia is a genus of eight species of creeping grasses native to southeastern and eastern Asia (north to China and Japan) and Australasia. These species, commonly called Zoysia or Zoysiagrass or even Zoysialovers.com , are found in coastal areas or grasslands. The genus is named after the Austrian botanist Karl von Zois. Here is the biological breakdown from Kingdom to Genus

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Poales
Family: Poaceae
Genus: Zoysia

This genus was first introduced to the United Sates in the early 1900's .

Those eight species were:

1. Zoysia japonica

2. Zoysia macrantha

3. Zoysia macrostachya

4. Zoysia Natrella (syn. Z. tenuifolia)

5. Zoysia minima

6. Zoysia pauciflora

7. Zoysia pungens

8. Zoysia seslerioides

9. Zoysia sinica

The 2002 National Zoysiagrass test has 20 entries that they are evaluating and I have seen reports of at least one that has been in use for at least 10 years and is not included in this testing. (That being BK-7) Having 20 entries does not mean that you can choose amongst the 20 for your yard or greens, just currently 8 of these listed are available for commercial use. The really great news for Zoysialovers.com is that these fine growers and suppliers are working diligently to bring all of us the very best and most profitable Zoysia to market.

Those 8 varieties, that are commercially available are: Meyer, Emerald, Himeno, Zenith, Compadre (Companion), GN-Z, Zorro, and Chinese.

I regret to inform you that this "National Test" lacks the Great State of Ohio and Indiana that would make the people in some states like Ohio and Indiana benefit from the fullness of all their massive research.

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