Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My Favorite 1 of 5 Plug Tricks

When you live in a plug only part of the country, like Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Maryland ... you live in the plug only, due to limited sunlight we have a limited growing season. Distributing plugs around your yard can become expensive and given the size of you yard those plug can easily get lost or loss a battle with your lawn mower.
1. Here is what I have done, take a large plug, shovel circle size of your current Zoysia, move this large plug to it's new home then roto-till the current spot where you don't have Zoysia growing, then plant winter wheat where you just removed the large plug from, winter wheat will grow during the down season for Zoysia and into the next growing season, summer then it will die off with mowing. It will also keep the weeds away,and more importantly wouldn't compete with next years Zoysia growth. This works in OH

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